How To Perform Hip Thrusts Without A Bench

Hip Thrusts have become a staple exercise for increasing glute strength and size. However not everyone has easy access to a bench to do them optimally. If you’re at a big box gym, there are only so many benches available and they’re usually taken or reserved for different forms of pressing and rowing exercises.

Here’s a video of how I like to perform Hip Thrusts without a bench:

Essentially you need to find something sturdy that you can prop up your back to increase your ROM. The main reason why the Hip Thrust is so much more popular than a regular glute bridge (same movement but with your back flat on the ground) is because you have a much bigger ROM with Hip Thrusts therefore working your glutes much more.

In this example, I stack a couple of rubber bumper plates on the ground to prop my back up. If you want to be even higher up or if the plates are uncomfortable on your back you can put a foam pad on top of that. I found that to be most comfortable and the ideal height.

Other options include:

  • Using a foam roller to prop up your back

  • Using a couch or ottoman (just make sure it can support your weight)

  • Stack a couple exercise maps or yoga mats

  • Stack a few large pillows. Big enough to give you a few inches of ground clearance while still supporting your upper back

Keep in mind that you can use bodyweight, dumbbells, barbell or bands to add resistance to this great booty building exercise!

Below are two more Hip Thrust Videos:

  1. Hip Thrust How To

2. Hip Thrust Variations


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