Fitness Blog
Covering topics from Strength training to Nutrition and debunking fitness myths!

In Season Fruits and Veg from Ontario ( May/June Edition)
Which Fruits and Vegetables are in Season Here in Ontario (May/June)?

3 Things You Need To Know About Weightlifting After Babies
3 things you need to know before getting back into lifting weights post partum!
1. Get cleared from a doctor to begin exercise and even more importantly, get cleared by a pelvic floor physio so you literally build a solid foundation from the inside out.
2. Re-Train Your Nervous System
3. Movement Re-Patterning

Business Lessons From Detroit Eatery
A hommage to one of the best restaurants in the city!

Plyometrics for Fat Loss
It’s been potrayed that plyometrics are the way you lose fat. “High Intensity” exercises with lots of jumping and flailing fancy moves. Well I’m here to tell you that it’s not the best for fat loss BUT if you insist on doing it, I’ve got some recommendations on how to do it best.