Fitness Blog
Covering topics from Strength training to Nutrition and debunking fitness myths!
The Rice Rundown: Does One Type of Rice Rule Them All?
Is one type of rice better than another? Is one healthier? Is one more flavourful? Find out in this article.
How Resistance Training Can Increase Your Metabolism and Help You Lose Weight
Learn how resistance training increases your metabolism and helps you lose weight.
Debunking the Myth of the Fat Burning Zone
Debunking the Myth of the Fat Burning Zone: Why Overall Calorie Burn Matters More for Fat Loss
What Kind Of Workouts Do We Do At Clear Cut Fitness?
We’re often asked “what kind of workouts do you do at your gym?”. This article and accompanying video answers it all!
Eat More Protein. Here's Why
5 different ways you can use protein powder to increase your protein intake!
How To Perform Hip Thrusts Without A Bench
Wanna perform Hip Thrusts but you don’t have a bench? This article shows you how!
5 Easy Ways to Get More Protein In Your Diet
Increasing your daily protein is one of the most effective ways to take your fitness to the next level. Here are 5 Easy Ways to increase your daily protein intake with protein powder.
The Fix for Tight Hamstrings
Do you have tight hamstrings? Do you stretch them all the time but they never seem to get better? We have the real fix!
What Kind Of Shoes Are Best For The Gym?
Did you know that not all shoes are good for the gym? Find out which are good, which are bad and why!
How To Prepare For Your First Time In The Gym Part 2. The Workout
Are you interested in joining a gym and starting to workout? This article will show you a safe, simple and effective program to begin working out again!
How To Prepare For Your First Time Coming Back To The Gym? Part 1.
Are you looking into starting a workout routine but you don’t know where to start? This article shows you how
Why Do We Have Bad Posture? And How to Fix It
Is bad posture causing pain and discomfort? This article shows you how to fix it.
In Season Fruits and Veg from Ontario ( May/June Edition)
Which Fruits and Vegetables are in Season Here in Ontario (May/June)?
How Deep Should You Squat?
Do you know how deep you should squat? Find out exactly how to determine your optimal squat depth in this article and video.
A Real Hangover Cure?
Looking for a science based hangover remedy? Look no further, We’ve got 3 proven supplements that help alleviate your hangover.