Fitness Blog
Covering topics from Strength training to Nutrition and debunking fitness myths!

The "Toning Myth"
Looking to get toned? You might be surprised to find out that “toned look” you’re after is a mixture of gaining muscle and losing fat. Wanna know how to do it the right way? Read on.

Athlete of the Year and Ankle Mobility
Not everyone is built to move perfectly. Learn what we do with Alexa to help her Squat Form.

The Marathon Runner With A Booty
A closer look at what we do in the gym with a competitive marathon runner who wants to build and maintain an impressive booty!

Keys To Success From A Client Perspective
You always hear how us trainers get ourselves and our clients in shape, but how often do you hear from the clients themselves?
Here's Ashley giving us some insight on what her keys to success are!
How Strength Training Can Help You Burn Fat
Most people automatically associate weight loss with cardio. It’s not a wrong thought - but it’s also not the best way to do it!
Here’s how Strength Training will help you lose fat more than cardio!

Compound vs. Isolation
What’s the difference between compound and isolation exercises? Should you be doing both? Find out here.

How Long Should You Rest In Between Sets?
Ever wondered how long you should rest between sets for optimal results?
See if you've been resting the right amount for your goals. You might be surprised.