Fitness Blog
Covering topics from Strength training to Nutrition and debunking fitness myths!

How Resistance Training Can Increase Your Metabolism and Help You Lose Weight
Learn how resistance training increases your metabolism and helps you lose weight.

Debunking the Myth of the Fat Burning Zone
Debunking the Myth of the Fat Burning Zone: Why Overall Calorie Burn Matters More for Fat Loss

What Kind Of Workouts Do We Do At Clear Cut Fitness?
We’re often asked “what kind of workouts do you do at your gym?”. This article and accompanying video answers it all!

How To Perform Hip Thrusts Without A Bench
Wanna perform Hip Thrusts but you don’t have a bench? This article shows you how!

The Fix for Tight Hamstrings
Do you have tight hamstrings? Do you stretch them all the time but they never seem to get better? We have the real fix!

What Kind Of Shoes Are Best For The Gym?
Did you know that not all shoes are good for the gym? Find out which are good, which are bad and why!

How To Prepare For Your First Time In The Gym Part 2. The Workout
Are you interested in joining a gym and starting to workout? This article will show you a safe, simple and effective program to begin working out again!

How To Prepare For Your First Time Coming Back To The Gym? Part 1.
Are you looking into starting a workout routine but you don’t know where to start? This article shows you how

Why Do We Have Bad Posture? And How to Fix It
Is bad posture causing pain and discomfort? This article shows you how to fix it.

How Deep Should You Squat?
Do you know how deep you should squat? Find out exactly how to determine your optimal squat depth in this article and video.

Health Benefits of Growing a Strong Booty
A brief guide to growing a strong and sexy booty. The article includes exercise videos and programming information.

How To Lose The "Covid-19" Weight You Gained During Lockdown
Did you gain the Covid-19 pounds during lockdown? We share how to lose fat properly, safely and for good!

Does Exercise Really Boost Your Immune System?
Does Exercise Boost Your Immune System? Find out what the research says here.

What Are TRXs Good For?
The TRX is a versatile piece of equipment that allows you to work your full body. But are they all you need to get into great shape?

Cold Weather is Upon Us.. Make Sure You Warm Up Properly!
Cold weather is here… make sure you warm up properly. Learn the main sequences for warming up. Trust us, it’s more than just stretching. Click here to learn more.

Beyond the Mirror
There’s more to working out than just how it makes you look. Here are a list of benefits that resistance training gives you beyond the mirror.

What Are Kettlebells Good For?
Starting Saturday June 22nd we're hosting a weekly Kettlebell drop in class that maxes out at 6 people.
What's all the hype over kettlebells? Do they hold the secret to easy weight loss? Will they help you build strength and muscle?
We're about to answer those questions for you.
What Are Kettlebells Good For?
Clear Cut Fitness loves kettlebells. They can help ignite your fat burning metabolism, improve your strength, power and Lean muscle mass! But, they're not for everyone.

How to Maintain Your Fitness During a Boys (or Girls) Weekend Vacation
The summer is full of trips and parties so it can be difficult to maintain your fitness.
Take this weekend for example. I was up north for a friends bachelor party weekend in Muskoka. It was an insane amount of fun but it came at a price. I probably drank enough everyday to hit my daily recommended caloric intake in booze alone 😂 (seriously though).
The food can seem difficult too. How do stay away from the endless amounts of food and chips?
The simple answer: you don't. You just have to know roughly how much you should eat in a day and be consciously aware of your portion sizes.
Despite all of the temptations there are some really easy things you can do to mitigate the side effects of a boys weekend. Read how!

What Shoes Should You Wear At The Gym?
Everyone has individual needs when it comes to footwear. Just getting "running shoes" won't cut it for the gym. Like anything - there are specific shoes for the situation. Click here to read which shoes we recommend for resistance training!